Updates to the web page, new products and latest happenings
12 Feb - Its MARDI GRAS season! We are so excited to be trading at Fair Day on Sunday 16th of March at Victoria Park, Sydney.
Come find us in Zone 8, stall 8.43 which is in the central part of the park, right of the side. Or dead ahead if you enter through the Cleveland street entrance.
20 April - I'M BACK! It's taken me a long time to get through the moment I was having but I'm back babbyyyyy.
Most of my past commissions are done or close to being done, which means I can take on new work. At the start of May I will be opening back up the option to book in appointments to discuss your ideas so i can make them into reality.
I have quite a few stock items ready to ship on the site so please take a look around and if you see anything you like, pop the code BABYGOTBACK10 as a thank you for reading this post.
Also I have made a few changes to this website and it will continue to be a work-in-progress, as I am much better at making beautiful things than tweaking the back end *snigger* of my site.
I am also putting effort into making my market offering more sustainable and consistent so that there is added value for my customers.
As always, stay tuned to my instagram for up to date info on whats on the workbench!

20 May 2023 - I am at Manly Village Public school markets with lots of new market only bracelets, rings and the usual leather accessories. Come and find me opposite the entrance to Coles, on Wentworth street. Check this Map

12 May - The adorable bondage teddy bears went on an adventure to Newcastle, for the Labyrinth Littles Play day and had a lovely time. Their favourite part was the Story Time. Check out this link to the Instagram page for this amazing event that is sure to be a "little" part of the scene in the kink capital!

28 April - Velvet Flares are now back in stock!

15 April - at Manly Village Public school markets. Come and find me opposite the entrance to Coles, on Wentworth street. Check this Map
27 March I have a new collar that I trialled and tested and took to market, at the absolute extravaganza that was the Pride Fair Day in Sydney last month in the heat of February. Introducing the spiked Obey Collar Check the link here!

26 March 2023 It turns out I listen to my customers and you have asked to be updated on the latest goings on. When one is absorbed in all the worlds of social media, it can be helpful to know what's going on at a glance!
I have been updating my website with the help of a much more tech savvy person than myself so that should mean more updates and less mistakes happen. I am, afterall needed at the workbench to hammer, glue and sew!